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M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund Classe A EUR Acc

Politica di investimento

The fund aims to provide a combination of capital growth and income to deliver a return that is higher than that of the global stockmarket over any fiveQ 7ear period. Core investment: At least 80% of t... Leggi tutto

The fund aims to provide a combination of capital growth and income to deliver a return that is higher than that of the global stockmarket over any fiveQ 7ear period. Core investment: At least 80% of the fund is invested in the shares of companies, across any sector and of any size, from anywhere in the world, including emerging markets. Other investments: The fund may invest in other funds and cash or assets that can be turned quickly into cash. Derivatives: The fund may use derivatives to reduce the risks and costs of managing the fund.

Informazioni generali

Società di gestione: M&G (LUX) Investment Funds 1

Categoria Assogestioni del Fondo: AZIONARI INTERNAZIONALI

Investimento minimo iniziale: 1.000,00€

ISIN: LU1670628491

Divisa: EUR

Valore quota alla data 19/09/2024: 16,1386€

Riferimenti: Link al sito

Andamento Fondo

Commissioni Condizioni Standard Condizioni Online Sim
Sottoscrizione 5,00% 0,00%
Rimborso 0,00% 0,00%
Gestione 1,75% 1,75%
Distribuzione 0,00% 0,00%
Performance 0,00% 0,00%
Spese Banca Corrispondente Importo Min Max
Sottoscrizione 10,00€ - -
Rimborso 10,00€ - -
Conversione - - -

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